Manobos, an Indonesian people of the Philippine archipelago scattered in small groups over the island of Mindanao; are still mostly paganr. living, not in tribes, but in little family circles often consisting only of the bagani (chief) and his brothers with their wives and children. Some are agriculturists, growing maize, rice, and tobacco, while others are hunters and fishers, supplementing the produce of the chase with roots, reptiles, and fruits. The type differs greatly from that of the surrounding Malayan populations, and presents a striking resemblance to that of the Eastern Polynesians; hence the Manobos must be classed as Indonesians (q.v.). They are the most powerful and ferocious of all the Mindanao wild tribes, and the term Manobo is often applied by the Spanish writers in a general way to all the unreduced heathen populations of the Mindanao highlands. (Blumentritt; Montano, Voyaye aux Philippines.)