Maginn, William (1793-1842), was born at Cork, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he showed himself an apt scholar, and took his LL.D. at 23. After teachingfor some years in Cork, he came to London to try his fortune in literature having already made his appearance in Blackwood's Magazine with a Latin translation of Chevy Chase. In 1824 he was the Paris correspondent of a short-lived newspaper, and in 1828 joined the staff of the Standard. In 1830 he was engaged on Fraser's Magazine, and in 1837 he contributed his Shakespeare papers to Blackwood. Besides many miscellaneous works in prose and verse, his Homeric ballads deserve mention, as well as the fact that he wrote two novels. His later life was clouded by drink and debt, and part of his last year of life was spent in the Fleet prison.