Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Lytton Edward Robert
Lytton, Edward Robert, Earl of (1831-92) son of the novelist, was educated at Harrow, anc entered the diplomatic service in 1849. After hold ing the post of secretary of legation at variou;
European capitals, including Vienna (1869-72) and Paris (1872-74), he was appointed minister to Lisbon in 1874. He was Viceroy of India from 1876 to 1880, and in 1887 was sent as ambassador to Paris. His chief literary productions, published under the pseudonym of "Owen Meredith," were Lucile, a Poem (1860), The Ring of Amasis, a prose romance (1863), Orv.al, a poem (1869), and Glenaveril, a poem (1885). He also wrote a life of his father.