Luneburg, a town of Hanover, situated on the Ilmenau, a tributary of the Elbe, 31 miles S.E. of Hamburg by railway. It was formerly the capital of the principality of Brunswick-Luneburg, from the ruling family of which the sovereigns of Great Britain are descended. [Beunswick.] In the narrow streets which form the central part of the town there are many picturesque old houses. The mediaeval buildings include an interesting rathhaus and the churches of St. John and St. Michael, dating respectively from the 14th and 15th centuries. There are salt and gypsum mines, ironworks, and linen, woollen, and cotton manufactures. To the S. of the town is the Luneberg Heath, 50 miles in extent, the heather of which yields excellent honey. Sheep are also raised, and the peat furnishes a valuable supply of fuel.