Lully, LULLT. Or LULLE, RAYMOND (1234-1315), "the Enlightened Doctor," was born at Palma, in Majorca, and became seneschal in the court of the king of Aragon. Believing that he had received a divine call, he resolved to devote his life to the conversion of the Mohammedans; and, after spending many years in the study of philosophy, theology, and Arabic, sailed to Tunis in 1291. To this period of preparation belongs the Ars Magna or Generalis, in which is set forth a kind of memoria technica regarding the method to be followed in the investigation of truth, based on the Aristotelian logic. His disputations at Tunis ended in his banishment after he had been thrown into prison and narrowly escaped execution. He returned to Africa in 1306, now visiting the city of Bugia, but experienced exactly the same fortune. During a second sojourn at Bugia the natives dragged him outside the city and stoned him. He was rescued by some Genoese merchants, but died on the homeward journey.