Luina, a Bantu people of south central Africa, who occupy the Upper Zambesi plains, and especially the kingdom of Lui, formed by the dis. membermcnt of the Makololo empire. It was the Luina nation that was chiefly instrumental in overthrowing this state, and restoring the old Barotse power in the Zambesi basin. Unlike most Bantu peoples, the Luina are rather stock-breeders than tillers of the soil. They own large herds, and are also skilful workers in iron, making all their own weapons and utensils; but at the time of Serpa Pinto's visit (1878) they had greatly degenerated, and polygamy had become universal. By the recent treaties with the Chartered South Africa, Company (1892) the Luina have been brought within the sphere of British influence. [Makololo.]