Lubbock, Sir John (b. 1834), man of science and social reformer, was born in London and educated at Eton. At the age of 14 he entered his father's bank in Lombard Street. Several useful banking reforms are due to him; but his reputation rests chiefly on his works dealing with insect life and primitive man. These include Prehistoric Times (1865), The Origin of Civilisation (1870), and Ants, Bees, and Wasps (1S82). The Pleasures of Life (1887) has had a wide circulation. Sir J. Lubbock was Liberal member for Maidstone from 1870 to 1880, since when he has represented the University of London (since 1886 as a Liberal Unionist). Of the numerous measures passed by him the most important is the Bank Holiday Act (1871), which added four annual public holidays to the two already existing.