Louvain (Flem. Leuven), a town in the Belgian province of Brabant, 19 miles E. of Brussels. In the 14th century it was extensive, rich, and prosperous, and a great seat of the cloth industry, but a revolt in 1382 drove its cloth-workers to England and caused the town to decay. The walls are now demolished, and much of the former city is now occupied by gardens. The university was once greatly famed, and Louvain has still the chief Catholic university of Belgium. Brewing is the chief industry, and there is some bell-founding, and manufacture of paper, lace, leather, and chemicals. The hotel de ville dates from the 15th century; St. Gertrude's church has some beautiful carved oak stalls, and in St. Peter's church is a notable roodloft, and some metal work of Quentin Matsys.