Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Lotze, Rudolf Heemann (1817-81), a German philosopher, was born in Saxony, and studied medicine and philosophy at Leipzig. In 1842 he was appointed professor of philosophy at Leipzig, and in 1844 to a similar post at Gottingen. His first writings were on physiology, and in them he was thought by some to favour materialism. In 1841 appeared his Metaphysik, and in 1851 a work on the general physiology of natural life. But his chief work was Mikrokosmus (1856-64), 3 vols. This has been translated, and sets forth his views of the nature of man. His Logic appeared in 1874, and a work on metaphysics in 1879. His views generally resemble those of Leibnitz, but show the influence of Hegel.