Lodge, Thomas (1556-1625), romance-writei and poet, born in Lincolnshire of a respectable family, went to Trinity College, Oxford, as a servi tor. After leaving college he became a law-studenf at Lincoln's Inn, but took part in two naval expeditions, on the first of which he wrote the euphuistic romance of Rosalynde, on which Shakespeare based his As You Like It. He wrote a tragedy, The Wounds of Civil War (1594), and ir conjunction with Greene a satirical mystery-plaj called A Looking-Glass for London and England His earliest work was A Befence of Stage Plays, it Three Bivisions (1580), which was answered bj Gosson. Lodge wrote several sonnets, satirica poems, and pastoral tales. He eventually became a physician, and practised in London, especiallj amongst Roman Catholics. He died of the plague