Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Leland, John (16th century), English antiquary, was born in London, and was educated at St. Paul's under Lily. He then went to Christ'9 College, Cambridge, and to All Souls' College, Oxford, and, after a visit to Paris, became chaplain to Henry VIII. The king, in 1530, made him rector of a parish near Calais, and in 1533 appointed him king's antiquary with power of search. For six years he travelled to collect materials, and in 1542 was made rector of Haseley, in Oxfordshire, and the next year Canon of Christ Churoh and Prebendary of Salisbury. He afterwards went to London, and in 1547 became insane. Most of his collection is in the Bodleian or the British Museum, and later writers have consulted him with advantage. 11 '