Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Languedoc, the name of an old French province, which is now divided into the departments of Aude, Tarn, Hdrault, Lozere, Ardecbe, and Gard, with several arrondissements in Haute-Garonne and Haute-Loire. Under the Romans it was known as Narbonensis Prima. It was granted by Honorius to the Goths, from whom it passed to the Saracens, till they were expelled by Charles Martel in 725. After belonging successively to the Counts of Toulouse and Philip the Bold of Burgundy, it became part of France in 1361. It was the land of the troubadours and the Albigenses. Langue d'oc is the southern French dialect, as opposed to langue d'o'il, that of the north.