Lamoriciere, Christopher Louis Leon Juchault de (1806-65), French general, was a native of Nantes. Having entered the army in 1826, be served for many years in Algeria, and was largely instrumental in the capture of Abd-el-Kader in 1847. He had been elected a deputy of the French Assembly in the preceding year as a member of the constitutional opposition; and on the abdication of Louis Philippe he wished to proclaim the Duchess of Orleans regent. He did good service against the insurgents, and was made war-minister by Cavaignac. As an opponent of Louis Napoleon he was arrested on the night before the coup d'etat of 1851, and was banished from France. In 1860 Pius IX, made him commander of the Papal troops, but he was defeated by the Sardinians, and capitulated at Ancona on September 29th. He died at Amiens.