Kurrachee, the capital of the district of the same name in Sindh. is the chief port for the Punjab, and is situated at the extremity of the Indus delta and close to the frontier of Baluchistan. It is the terminus of the South Punjab and Delhi railway, being 116 miles distant by rail from the latter town, though only half that distance direct. The large harbour is sheltered by a breakwater and a reef, at the end of which is a fixed light. The minimum depth of water on the bar is 20 feet, and the landing-place on Kamari island communicates with the town by the Napier mole, three miles long, which was constructed in 1853. Nearly half a million has been spent on harbour improvements. The town is modern, and contains little of interest. There is a Frere Hall, with museum and library, and near the cantonments to the E. and N. is a public garden of 40 acres. The water supply is good, and the town is healthy. The trade, to the amount of seven millions annually, consists of the export of cotton from Sindh and the Punjab, wheat and oil-seeds, and an inland trade with Afghanistan and Baluchistan. There are also iron-works and cotton presses. The Kurrachee district contains 14,115 square miles.