Kurdistan, a geographical district of Central Asia, lying partly in Persia and partly in Turkey in Asia. The Euphrates forms its western boundary. The Turkish portion, which is watered by the Great Zab, is varied by high mountains clothed with fthick forests, and by fertile valleys which produce corn, rice, sesame, cotton, fruits, honey, tobacco, and wax; while in the hills are found sulphur, orpiment, and alum. The Persian district is part of the ancient kingdom of Media, and, though mountainous, is fertile, producing wheat, barley, rice, hemp, flax, sesame, cotton, fruits; while there is much rearing of horses, camels, cattle, sheep, and goats. With regard to the district at large, game is abundant in the mountains, and the panther, bear, lynx, jackal, hyena, and fox are numerous. In the valley of the Kermonchah -woollen goods, goat's hair, felts, and carpets are largely worked. The country is very ancient, and T/as the seat of much mythological history. The original people, known variously to the ancients as Curdi, Gordi, Gordyiui, Gordiani, and Carduchi, came into contact with Xenophon during his famous retreat. Tiniour conquered them in 1388, and they now number about a million. The renowned Sultan Saladin was a Kurd.