Kropotkine, Peter, Prince (b. 1842), Russian Nihilist, was born in Moscow. At the age of fifteen he joined the Corps of Pages, and at a later period served for five years in Siberia, where he made explorations. In 1867 he studied mathematics for some time at the university of St. Petersburg, and became secretary of the Geographical Society. In 1871 he studied the glacial debris of Sweden and Finland, and in 1872, during a visit to Belgium and Switzerland, he became u. member of the International. In 1874 he was arrested in Russia, escaped to England in 1876, expelled from Switzerland in 1881, and in 1883 imprisoned in France. On his release in 1886 he returned to England. He has written many articles in encyclopaedias and elsewhere, and published Paroles d'un Revolte in 1885 and In Russian and French Prisons in 1887.