Kostroma, a Russian government lying between the governments of Y'aroslaff on the W. and Viatka on the E. It has an area of 32,693 square miles, and the surface is undulating with hilly tracts on the right bank of the Volga, and flat marshy ground in the E. In the marshy part are many lakes, and there are still extensive forests of large timber. The capital, also Kostroma, is near the junction of the Kostroma with the Volga, and lies on the left bank of the latter river, its suburbs being on the right bank. It is 200 miles N.E. of Moscow, and is said to have been founded in 1152. Michel Romanoff was crowned here in 1613. There is a good cathedral, and the churches are numerous. Among the industries are cotton and linen factories, dyeing, tanning, and bark-mat making, and much brandy is distilled.