Knowles Sir Charles
Knowles, Sir Charles, Bart., English admiral, born in 1702, was with Vernon in the West Indies, and was entrusted with the demolition of the forts at Porto Bello. He assisted at the operations in the river Chagres and at the siege of Cartagena, and in 1743 he commanded the unsuccessful expeditions against La Guaira and Porto Cavallo. He was afterwards governor of Louisbourg, and, upon his promotion in 1747 to flag-rank, was governor of, and commander-in-chief at, Jamaica, upon which station he captured Port Louis, in Hispaniola, and defeated a Spanish squadron off Havana. For some neglect of duty in this action he was court martialled and reprimanded. In 1757 he was second-in-command of the unfortunate expedition against Rochefort. He became a full admiral in 1758, was created a baronet in 1765, and died in 1777. His son, Sir Charles Henry Knowles, Bart., also a naval officer, signalised himself during the American War, and, after much hard service, became a captain in 1780. He had previously distinguished himself by the invention of a valuable code of signals, which remained for many years in use in the navy. In the Goliath he was present at the battle of Cape St. Vincent. In 1799 he attained flag-rank, and he died an admiral and G.C.B. in 1831. He wrote much on naval subjects.