Kleist, Heinrich Wilhelm von (1777-1811), a German dramatist, was born at Frankfort on the Oder. Having left the Prussian army, studied law at Berlin, and travelled, he was advised by Wieland, in 1802, to enter upon a literary career. He still, however, continued his wanderings, and in 1806 was taken prisoner while serving against the French. The next year saw his drama Amphitryon published at Dresden; but in the autumn of 1808 he tried to commit suicide. During the French war of 1809 against Austria he wrote some patriotic songs, and in the same year his Prinz Heinrich von Hamburg was given at Berlin. Having failed as a journalist, and being unable to obtain a Government post, Kleist put an end to his life in 1811. His best play was Kdtchen von Heilbronn. He also wrote several stories. He is not to be confounded with Ewald Christian von Kleist, author of Friihling.