Kle"ber, Jean Baptiste (1753-1800), one of the most brilliant generals of the first French Republic, was the son of a Strasburg mason. He first distinguished himself at the siege of Mayence; after which he went to La Vendee, as general of brigade. Although he won the important victories of Mans and Savenay, he was recalled because he dared to be merciful to the conquered. He was soon, however, again employed, and served with distinction under Jourdan in Belgium. He shortly afterwards resigned his command. Having escaped transportation after the 18th Fructidor he went with Bonaparte to Egypt,' and was wounded at Alexandria. On the return of the latter to France, Kleber was left in command. Thinking the French cause in Egypt hopeless he concluded the Convention of El Arish, but when this was disavowed by the English government he again took the offensive and defeated the Turks at Heliopolis. Not long after he was assassinated by a fanatic.