Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Kiel, the chief naval port of Germany, lies at the head of Kiel Fiord, Holstein. It is the Baltic headquarters of the German navy, and possesses a naval academy and a university founded in 1665. The population is about 55,000. Both sides of the bay, in which there is spacious anchorage, are heavily fortified below the town, especially by the works of Priess, Falkenstein, Friedrichsort, Roepsdorf, Stosch, Jagerberg, Koriigen, Heidberg, and Moltenort, and the place is almost impregnable. Opposite the town lies Gaarden, where there are extensive private shipbuilding yards. The Government yard is below the town of Gaarden, on the east bank. Kiel has a considerable trade, and is noted for its beer, pickled herrings, and sprats.