Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Kickapoos, North American Indians of Algonquian stoo-K, former allies of the Foxes, with whom they encamped on the left bank of the Mississippi. between 40° to 45° N. lat. Later these were joined by the I'tgnmis.and in 1819 they voluntarily removed from the present state of Illinois to Kansas. where they occupy the township of Kieknpoo.
Leavenworth County. Here they turned to agriculture, and were noted for their well-tilled plots and nent farmsteads. At present (18931 the whole nation is reduced to about 780 souls, of whom 325 are in the Sao and Fox Agency. Indian Territory. and 235 in the Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha Agency, Kansas, while the rest have migrated to Mexico.