Kharkov, a government of South Russia, formine: a district of the Ukraines, and extending from 48° 30' to 50° 12' N. lat. and 34° 20' to 38° 20' E. long., with an area of 21,035 square miles. It consists of a plateau of medium elevation belonging to the Great Steppe, and is watered by the Donets, an affluent of the Don and its tributary the Oskol. The soil is fertile, and large quantities of grain and wine are produced; horses, cattle, and sheep are also extensively reared. The capital, Kharkov, 465 miles S. by W. of Moscow by rail, is the seat of a bishop of the Greek Church, and is noted for its university, established in 1805, which has a library of nearly 60,000 volumes, a botanical garden, an observatory, etc. The restrictive measures adopted hy the Government in consequence of the Nihilistic tendencies of the students have greatly impaired its educational efficiency. The fairs for cattle and wool are famous, and soap, candles, and sugar are manufactured.