Kertch (anc. Panticap.eon), a seaport and fortress in the government of Taurida, European Russia, at the E. extremity of the Crimea, and overlooking the Straits of Yenikale or Cimmerian Bosphorus. Founded in the 6th century by a colony from Miletus, the town became the centre of the kingdom of the Bosphorus, but was conquered by Mithradates, and ruled by kings until the 4th century, when it was annexed to the Eastern Empire. Later it was held by various Slavonic barbarians, and was ceded by the Tartars to the Genoese, who established a thriving commercial settlement. The Turks held it from about 1500 to 1771, since which date it has been in the possession pf Russia. Its importance then diminished, and it suffered through its capture "by the allies in the Crimean' War. There is still, however, a considerable export trade in corn, hides, and Russian produce, whilst to the archaeologist the place will always be deeply interesting, though the famous museum was removed in 1854. The church of St. John, dating from 717 A.D., is a remarkable specimen of Byzantine architecture.