Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Kel Tinalkum
Kel-Tinalkum, a free but not a noble Tuareg tribe of the Azjar country, North Central Sahara. They take their name from the old fortified town of Tinalkum, the ruins of which are still seen south of El-Barkat on the caravan track between Ghat and Janet. After the capture of this stronghold they dispersed in all directions, and many are now found in the oases of the Wady Otba, Fezzan. At present they are chiefly occupied with trade, and many of the caravans between Tripoli and Central Sudan are equipped and escorted by this tribe. Although very numerous and armed with muskets, the Kel-Tinalkum recognise the political supremacy of the noble Oraghen Tuaregs.