Kaye, Sir John William (1814-76), the military historian, second son of Charles Kaye, of Acton, was educated at Eton and Addiscombe, and served for nine years in the Bengal army. He returned to England in 1845, and in 1856 succeeded John Stuart Mill as secretary of the political and secret department of the India Office, from which position he retired in 1874. He was a frequent contributor to periodicals, and the author of numerous works, the chief of which were The History of the Sepoy War in, India, 1857-58 (3 vols.) - which was continued by Colonel Malleson, and appeared in complete form in 1890 in 6 vols, entitled Kaye and Malleson's History of the Indian Mutiny -- Life and Correspondence of Lord Metcalf, Life and Correspondence of Sir John Malcolm, and History of the War in Afghanistan.