Kauffmann, Angelica (1741-1807), a fashionable portrait painter, was born at Chur, canton Grisons, her father being an artist. She devoted herself to historical subjects during a residence at Rome, and having studied in the Venetian School at the fountain-head, came to Lcndon in 1766. Here she lived with her father in Golden Square, and painted portraits of Queen Charlotte, Christian III. of Denmark, Garrick, and the Princess of Brunswick with her child. The last is in the Hampton Court collection. She exhibited at the Academy between 1761 and 1797, and painted the ceiling of Burlington House Council Chamber. In 1781, soon after her marriage with Zucchi, a Venetian painter, she left England. In 1787 she met Goethe at Rome, and painted his portrait. Among her numerous admirers were Joseph II., Sir Joshua Reynolds, by whom she was twice painted, Goldsmith, and Klopstock. She continued to paint till the last, and died at Rome in 1807. In 1767 she was secretly married to a Count de Horn, who turned out to be an impostor.