Kakhyens (Chins), collective name of numerous hill tribes about the Burma-Chinese frontiers, Upper Irawady basin above Bhamo. They call themselves Singpho (Chingpaw), i.e. "Men;" but there are a great number of tribal names comprised in their four chief divisions: Maru, Adzi, Lishoni, and Tashons. These last, who are said to muster as many as 10,000 fighting men, are the most powerful of all, and gave great trouble to the English in the border warfare that broke out after the annexation of Upper Burma; but they were at last reduced, together with their Yahon neighbours, in 1892. The Kakhyens are generally grouped with the Tibeto-Burman family, but they appear to be a very mixed people, amongst whom two types predominate: (1) The true Singpho, with short round head, low forehead, prominent jaws, oblique eyes, broad nose, thick protruding lips, dark brown hair and eyes, dirty buff complexion, low stature (5 feet to 5 feet 4 inches), very short legs. (2) Regular features, long oval face, pointed chin, aquiline nose, fair colour, often almost white. The language is monosyllabic, entirely distinct from Burmese, and showing a great resemblance to the Mishmi and Abor of North Assam. (Dr. J. Anderson, Mandelay to Momien, 1876.)