Junot, Andoche (1771-1813), one of Napoleon's least successful generals, was a native of Bussy-le-Grand, department of Cote d'Or. Having entered the army in 1792, he was present at the siege of Toulon in the following year. He then served in Italy with Bonaparte, whom he accompanied to Egypt, where he distinguished himself greatly and became general of brigade. He fell into the hands of the English on his way back to France, but was soon released. For two years (1801-3) he was Governor of Paris, which position he again held in 1806. Next year he was sent to invade Portugal, where he gained his title of Duc d'Abrantes. After this, however, his career was a series of disasters : Vimiera, Convention of Cintra, Saragossa. After the Russian campaign he was made Governor of Illyria, as he was considered unfit for active service. He" finally threw himself out of window and died from the effects of his wounds. He was a personal favourite of Napoleon and a good soldier, but was not given a marshal's baton. The extravagance of his wife (nee Laure Permon) also severely tried the Emperor's patience. The Duchesse d'Abrantes left voluminous memoirs and numerous novels. She died in distress at a hospital.