Jung Sir Salar
Jung, Sir Salar (1829-83), an Indian statesman of Arab extraction, succeeded his uncle, Suraj-ul-Mulk, as Dewan (or Prime Minister) of Hyderabad in 1853. He rid the country of the Arab mercenaries, reorganised the administration, and averted the annexation by the British which appeared imminent. In spite of the opposition of the people and the apathy of the Nizam, he prevented them from joining in the Mutiny. After the death of the Nizam in 1869, there was a regency, during which Sir Salar Jung could carry out his plans with a free hand. In 1876 he came to England with the object of recovering Berar, which had been ceded to the British for financial reasons; but though knighted and generally honoured, was unable to effect his purpose. He left Hyderabad a model state at the end of his thirty years' government.