Julius II
Julius II. was born near Savona in 1448; being a nephew of Sixtus IV. His name was Giulio della Rovere. He was educated by the Franciscans and became Bishop of Carpentras and Cardinal in 1471. He afterwards held the archiepiscopal see of Avignon and several bishoprics, and was Papal Legate in France from 1480 to 1484. He acquired great influence in the College of Cardinals, but was defeated by Roderigo Borgia in his candidacy for the Papacy in 1492. He incited Charles VIII. to the conquest of Naples, and was unanimously chosen Pope in 1503. For ten years he occupied the Papal see, during which time he reconciled the Orsini and Colonna; formed a league against Venice with France, the Emperor, and Ferdinand of Aragon, but afterwards joined the Republic against his late allies; formed the Holy League against France, and convened a general council. He died of fever in 1513. Julius II. was the patron of Rafaelle and Michelangelo; but his great ambition was to increase the temporal power of the Papal States and to aggrandise his own family.