Julia, daughter of Augustus by his wife Scribonia, was born in 39 B.C. She was married as a child to Marcus Claudius Marcellus, and on his death to Vipsanius Agrippa. Her misfortunes began when she was induced to take as her third husband Tiberius, who was afterwards emperor. By him she was banished first to Pandataria, and afterwards to Rhegium, where she died in great distress in A.D. 14. Tiberius had some ground for his action in her infidelity, but the hatred borne her step-daughter by Livia was the main cause of her persecution. Of her children by Agrippa two sons died in youth, and a third was put to death by Tiberius. Her daughters were Julia, who was banished by Augustus for adultery, and Agrippina, who died in exile in Pandataria.