Judge, A judge (from the French juge, which is from the Latin judiccm), in England and Wales, is one who presides in a court duly constituted, declares the law in all matters that are tried before him, subject to revision in cases where an appeal is allowed, and pronounces sentence or judgment according to law. The superior judges are those attached to the High Court of Justice, besides which there are the County Court judges and recorders of the several boroughs in the Kingdom, which havea grant of Quarter Sessions. When the judges are popularly spoken of, the judges of the Supreme Court (into which the jurisdiction of the ancient
Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer have been amalgamated by recent legislation) are meant, including the judges attached to the Chancery, Probate, and Admiralty divisions of the Supreme Court. The judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the Crown, the County Court judges by the Lord Chancellor. Both classes have retiring pensions, regulated by length of service. No action lies against a judge for anything said or done in his judicial capacity, but if he act without jurisdiction he may be answerable for the consequences. If a judge has a personal interest in the action he is incapacitated from trying it. [Justice, Courts of.]