Judas, the Greek form of the Jewish "Judah." The chief persons who bore this name were: 1. Judas, surnamed Barsabas, a leading member of the Church at Jerusalem, who was chosen with Silas to accompany St. Paul and Barnabas to Antioch when they were to announce that the Gentiles were to be admitted into the Church.
2. Judas of Galilei:, the leader of the revolt in Judaea against the payment of tribute to the Romans (A.D. 6). He was the founder of a sect of a very fanatical character called the Gaulonites.
3. Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Jesus. He "kept the bag," and was tempted by his avarice to betray his Master. He afterwards repented and hanged himself. He seems to have been distrusted from the first.
4. Judas, most probably identical with Lebbjsus or T'HADDy-EUS, another of the Twelve. We know nothing of him, and even traditions vary. By some he is said to have died a martyr's death in Phoenicia; others make him preach in Persia and Mesopotamia. He is distinguished from Iscariot in St. John xiv. 22, and St. Luke calls him "Judas (son ?) of James."