Jordan (Heb. "Swift-flowing"), the chief river of the Holy Land, has its source in a cave at Banias (Caesarea Philippi), but is joined early in its courseby a stream from Tell-el-Kadi in Dan, and by another from Hermon, either of which might claim to be the true Jordan. Descending rapidly with a, fall of some 80 feet per mile, the river passes through Lake Merom (Huled), arid enters the Sea of Galilee, from which it issues at a much reduced speed, the fall being no more than a dozen feet per mile in the plain of Beisan, and four or five feet as it makes its way through the muddy flats to the Dead Sea. The total length is 104 miles, and the average width below the lakes about 40 yards. The upper reaches are much obstructed by growths of reeds and shrubs, and though narrow it is deep, and can only be passed by the fords, of which there are many, the most famous being that of Bethabaca, near Jericho. In the spring it is subject to floods. The most important affluents are the Hieromax and Jabbok from the E., and the Jalud and Faria from the W.