Jokai, Mor, or Maurus. was born at Komorn, Hungary, in 1825. His father, an advocate of strict Calvinistic views, died twelve years later, and the boy, completing his own education, became at the age of one-and-twenty editor of the Woehcnblatt at Pestb. In 1848 he joined the revolutionary movement, and was present at the surrender of Vilagos, when in despair he contemplated suicide. However, his wife, a famous tragic actress, got him safely back to Pesth, where he abandoned journalism and took to fiction. His novels, novelettes, and plays soon became exceedingly popular, nor did the supply fail. The Good Old Assessors, A Hungarian Nabob, Sad Times, The White Rose, The New Landlord, A Romance of the Next Century, and Black Biamonds are among the best known. In 1863 he resumed his political writing and founded the Hon (Fatherland), which has a larger circulation among the Magyars than any other newspaper.