Johnston Henry Hamilton
Johnston, Henry" Hamilton, F.R.G.S., was born at Kennington, Surrey, in 1858, and educated at King's College. He subsequently studied with success in the Royal Academy School, but in 1880 began a life of adventure by travelling in Tunis and Algeria, whence he passed to the Congo and West Africa, and in 1884 led an exploring party to Mount Kilimanjaro. He was now appointed Vice-Consul for the Cameroons and Oil River, being transferred in 1887 as Acting Consul to Benin and Biafra, and in 1888 becoming Consul for Portuguese East Africa. More recently he has acted as Commissioner and
Consul-General in the region N. of Zanzibar, including the lakes. He is the author of several important works, such as The River Congo, The Kilimanjaro Expedition, and The History of a Slam.