John Popes
John (Popes), the name of twenty-three popes, the first of whom was elected in 523, whilst the last died in 1419.
John XXII. (Jacques de Cahors) was elected at Lyons in 1316. He took the side of Frederick of Austria against Louis of Bavaria in the dispute for the imperial crown, and was formally deposed by Louis, who invaded Rome. John, however, continued to exercise his authority at Avignon, where lie had always resided, and where he died in 1334. He was the author of the decretal known as "the Extravagantes," and was a bitter opponent of the Franciscans.
John XXIII. (Baldassare Cossa) succeeded Alexander V., whom he is said to have murdered, in 1410. Originally a corsair, he retained many of his old habits, leading a turbulent and licentious life. Two popes were already in existence at the time of his election, and he was compelled to summon a council at Constance to settle their conflicting claims. The verdict went against him, and lie was deposed. The Emperor Sigismund imprisoned him for four years at Heidelberg, but he made peace with Martin V., was appointed bishop of Frascati and dean of the College of Cardinals, but died soon after in 1419.