Jevqns, William Stanley, F.R.S., the son of a Liverpool merchant and grandson of William, Roscoe, was born in 1835, and educated at University College, London. From 1854 to 1859 he was assayer to the Mint at Sydney, and produced a book on the climate of Australia and New Zealand. On returning to England he took up economical science and logic, holding professorships in Owens College, Manchester, from 1866 to 1876, when he was appointed to the chair of political economy in University College, London. As a writer he first drew attention by The Coal Question, wherein he predicted the speedy exhaustion of our supply of fuel. His chief other books are entitled The Principles of Science, The Theory of Political Economy, Elemen-tary Lessons in Logic, and Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. He was drowned whilst bathing at Bexhill in 1882.