Ingolstadt, or Ingoldstadt (ancient Aureatum or Chrysopolis), is a fortified town in Upper Bavaria on the left bank of the Danube, about fifty miles north of Munich. Starting as a royal villa in the 9th century, the place received a charter in 1312, and became the capital of a dukedom, which subsequently fell to the Bavarian Crown. The fortifications built in the 16th century stood many assaults, in one of which, led by Gustavus Adolphus, Tilly was killed. Moreau razed the defences to the ground in 1800, but they have since been reconstructed on the scale of a first-class fortress. The streets are well laid out, and there are, besides the usual institutions of a provincial capital, the Gothic Dome founded in 1425, the old ducal castle, and the buildings of the university now transferred to Munich.