Ingemann, Bernhard Severin, was born at Torkildstrup, Denmark, in 1789, and was being educated at the university of Copenhagen when the bombardment of 1806 took place, and his boyish compositions perished in the flames. However, in 1811 he produced a volume of poems, and repeated the experiment with success in the two following years. His cyclical romance, The Black Knight (1814), established his reputation, and he next made an essay in the drama with Masaniello, Bianca, The Voice in the Desert, and The Shepherd of Tolosa. His fame, however, rests mainly on his historical novels, Valdemar Seier, Erik Menved's Childhood, King Erik, Prince Otto of Denmark, and many others, modelled upon the example of Scott. He was appointed professor of literature, and subsequently director of Soro College, and died in 1862.