Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Indo Chinese
Indo-Chinese, collective name of all the southeastern Asiatic peoples, except the Cambojans, Malays, and Negritoes, who belong ethnically to the Mongolic division of mankind, but who speak numerous languages belonging to a distinct order of speech usually called "Monosyllabic." The peculiar nature of this order has beenexplained in the article Chinese Language, a typical member of the group, the other chief branches of which are Tibetan, Burmese, Talaing (Mon), Thai, including Lao, Shan, and Siamese; Annamese of Tonquin and Cochin-China; Lvhita; Naga; Si-fan, Lolo, Karen, Miao-tze, and numerous other aborigines of China and lndo-China. For details see under the several entries.