Immermann, Karl Lbberecht, was born at Magdeburg in 1796, and was a law-student at Halle when "the Hundred Days" brought a renewal of war. He joined the Prussian ranks, fought at, Ligny and Waterloo, and on his return received a judicial post at Dusseldorf. Under the influence of Countess Ahlefeldt he devoted his leisure to literature and to the vain attempt to elevate the national drama. His tragedies, though rugged, show power of characterisation, and his comedies are by no means devoid of humour. More popular were his romances, especially Die Epigonen, and his miscellaneous writings, which include a translation of Ivanhoe. His platonic alliance came to an end in 1839, when he married a granddaughter of the Chancellor Niemeyer, but he died in the following year.