Iglail, or Jihlava, a town of Moravia, Austria, is situated on the right bank of the river Iglawa, about 50 miles N.W. of Brunn, and is capital of the circle that bears its name. It has for seven centuries been an important, military and commercial centre, consisting of the old fortified burgh with three more modern suburbs. The churches of St. James and St. Ignatius are ancient and handsome structures, and there are the usual public institutions of a provincial capital. Chief among the local industries are cigar-making, cloth- and linen-weaving, iron-working, and brewing, u, considerable trade being also carried on in corn and timber. During the Thirty Years' War it was twice taken by the Swedes, and in 1805 the Bavarians under Wrede were defeated under its walls by the Archduke Ferdinand d'Este.