Hullah, John, LL.D. (1812-84), an English music teacher and writer upon music, is generally looked on as the man who has done most to popularise music in England. He was born at Worcester, and learnt music from his mother. In 1832, after studying under William Horsley, he became a member of the Royal Academy of Music, and in 1836 he composed an opera, the words to which were by Charles Dickens. The next year he became organist at Croydon, and in 1840 he started a class at the Normal School, Battersea, which was followed up by many similar steps. He was appointed Musical Inspector of Training Schools, but. paralysis in 1880 put an end to much of his active work. It was he who introduced Wilhelm's method into England. Among his productions are the songs The Sands of Bee and the Three Fishers, a Grammar of Vocal Music, and similar books, and he contributed to periodicals.