Hudson Bay
Hudson Bay is an inland sea of British America, north-west of Canada, but included in the Dominion, between lat. 51° and 64° N. and long. 77° and 95° W., about 1,000 miles from north to south, with a greatest breadth of 600' miles, and containing, with its gulfs and inlets,. 500,000 square miles. It is connected with the Atlantic by Hudson Strait, which is over 400 miles' long and 100 broad. James Bay is a large gulf ire the south, and Chesterfield Inlet extends a long way west. Hudson Bay is remarkably free from islands and shoals, except in the extreme north and at the entrance of the strait. From the middle of June to the end of October the bay is navigable, but there is much drift ice in the winter. Many rivers flow into the Bay. among them being the Churchill, the Nelson, and the Severn on the W., the Moore and the Albany in St James's Bay, and the Great Whale on the E. The western coast is for the most part level and comparatively fertile, the eastern is lofty. Not much fish is found in the bay, though the white whale is sometimes taken.