Hotham, the surname of a distinguished English naval family, of which William, first Lord Hotham, born about 1732, in 1759 gained great credit for his share in the capture of the Danae.
In 1776, as commodore, he convoyed to America a fleet of transports laden with troops, and took part in the expedition against, Rhode Island, and, in 1777, in that against Albany. In 1780, again as commodore, he shared in the relief of Gibraltar, and in 1787 was promoted to flag-rank. Appointed vice-admie-al in 1793, he was immediately given the second command in the Mediterranean, and in 1794 succeeded Lord Hood as commander-in-chief. In the following year he defeated the French rear-admiral, Martin, and took from him two ships of the line. At the end of the year he resigned his command, and in 1797 was raised to the Irish peerage. He had been made a full admiral in 1795, and he died in 1813.