Holberg, Ludwig, Baron (,1684-1751). Danish limn of letters, was born al Bergen, in Norway. After studying at Copenhagen, he travelled in England (wlierc he passed two years at Oxford), Holland, France, and Italy. He was successively appointed professor of met a physics (1718), eloquence (1720), and history (1730) in the university of Copenhagen, of which be became rector in 1735. His genius was first, displayed in poems of a satirical character, chief among which was the serio-comic epic Peder Poors (1720"). directed against his oountrymon. After the establishment of a theatre at Copenhagen (1721), he turned his attention to comedy, and wrote several plays, which wore acted with much success. His other works include a History of Denmark, a humorous romance entitled The Subterranean Travels of Niels Klim (1741), and an Autobiography (1727 - 13).