Hohenzollern The Familyof
Hohenzollern, The Family of. traces its origin historically to Count Thassilo of Burchardinger, a Swabian, who built the castle of Zollern early in the 9th century, and whose descendants, Conrad III. and Frederick IV., founded the Frankish and the Swabian lines of the house. The former prospered in course of time, and in 1415 acquired the Electorate of Brandenburg, which three centuries later was developed into the kingdom of Prussia, and this, again, became the head of the German empire. The Swabian branch has not fared so well. In the 16th century (see above) Eitel Frederick III. and Charles II. formally divided the -state, and their descendants received princely rank from the Emperors; and in 1695 both the reigning princes agreed that, in the event of the failure of their issue, the Brandenburg house should inherit.
However, in 1849-Prince Frederick William and Prince Charles Anton simultaneously resigned sovereignty to Prussia, reserving only their family -estates and the rank of younger sons of the monarchy. More recently the Sigmnringen family has come into prominence, owing to the candidature of Prince Leopold for the throne of Spain (1870), the election of Prince Charles to the throne of Bonmania (1866), and the adoption of Prince Ferdinand, husband of Princess Marie of Edinburgh, as his heir.