Hogarth, William, was born in 1697, He had a taste for drawing, and was apprenticed to a silversmith as engraver. In 1718 he set to work upon copper, executing book-plates and other modest designs, but finding time to improve his knowledge of drawing and painting and to cultivate that invaluable gift - a power of retaining impressions once gathered by the eye. His own disposition and the circumstances under which he worked inclined him towards satire. One of his earliest known efforts is The Lottery, a skit on South-Sea speculation, and then follow masquerades and operas (1724), some caricatures of Kent, the architect, and illustrations of Butler's Hudibras. He next took to painting portrait groups, which sold readily, and in 1729, being in receipt of a small income, he ran away with the only daughter of his master, Sir J. Thornhill, R.A. For five years lie produced nothing of great merit, but it is certain that he was at work upon the series of moral pictures which were destined to make him famous, euid in 1734 appeared The Harlot's Progress, achieving at once a. marvellous success. The Hake's Progress, brought out in the next year, was not quite so popular, but the subscription for the engravings of both amounted to a handsome sum. A number of paintings and plates appeared during the nine ensuing years. In 1744 The Marriage a la Mode in six scenes showed a remarkable development of his talent; yet as pictures these splendid performances turned out unprofitable. The engravings sold well enough, but the canvases fetched beggarly prices. On the other hand, he was well paid for portraits, such as those of Garrick and Lord Lovat, and he earned a good deal of money by the plates of The Stayc Coach, The Industrious and the Idle Apprentice, The Election, The March of the Guards to Finch ley, Beer Street, Gin Lane, and Calais Gate. Ho died in 1764.